Apples from the Plot!

Our apples look to soon be ready, I think this is going to be our largest harvest yet! We have two trees at the allotment and two at home, all dwarf and all weighed down with fruit!!

Moving the Rhubarb

With the plan to use one of our, now three plots, as a low maintenance ‘fruit plot’. I had been waiting for the best time to relocate our rhubarb plants from their current position on our first original plot to this new space dedicated just to fruit. It also gives me a chance to cover…

3 Plots! We Must Be Mad!

Well a fair bit has happened since I last wrote. On almost filling up our original plot, it came to the time a month or so ago when the pumpkin plants were ready to go out. On having either planted or allocated the majority of the space we had I was left scratching my head…

The Raspberry Glut

It’s blissful to be back on the plot again, and I’m beginning to understand the “gluts” that people have spoken about. Our first year “in production” gave us some fruit and veg which I was thrilled with but definitely not more than we could cope with. I am noticing though, that our raspberries are very…

A Busy Little Plot!

The plot has been fantastically busy of late and we are taking home lots of fresh fruit and veg! Such a great feeling after so much work!

Straw for the strawberry beds

After relocating the strawberry bed late last year, I’m pleased to see that the new runners are now great little plants, and all is looking well! We now have quite a few flowers on the plants, and in anticipation of some fruit, I decided to pick up some straw to go around them. As you…