February may feel like a quiet month at the plot, but there’s plenty to be getting on with. With longer days creeping in, now is the perfect time to start sowing, preparing, and planning. Here’s a plan of action for the month ahead (and it’s a short one so I’d best get a wriggle on!).
Ten Items for January Sowing in Derbyshire
As the new year begins, gardeners can get a head start on their allotments by sowing certain crops in January. Despite the cold weather, several hardy vegetables can be planted now to ensure an early and productive harvest in the coming seasons. Here are the ones I’ll be trying… Broad beansSow hardy varieties like ‘Aquadulce…
The Digging the Earth Guide to September
It’s always emotional for me when summer ends, but it’s not all over in the vegetable patch! September is critical to preparing for the colder months ahead, and boy, do we need to do some work on the plot. Here’s what I’ll be up to… What to Sow in September Important Jobs for September Harvesting:…
A Weleda Biodynamic Garden Tour
After my usual browsing of Eventbrite during the summer holidays, I managed to nab a couple of the last spots on a Weleda Biodynamic Garden tour in Ilkeston – not too far for us! Beautiful gardens and a wealth of knowledge awaited us! If you’re looking for a unique and educational experience, this garden tour…
Greening Your Window Sill
If you don’t have an allotment, or you can’t get to the plot as much as you’d like consider cultivating a bit of nature indoors. Fortunately, you don’t need a sprawling garden or a massive vegetable plot to enjoy the benefits of growing plants and veg. A window sill can serve as the perfect micro-garden, bringing a touch of greenery and freshness to your living space. Here are five plants that thrive on a window sill in the UK, adding a little vibrancy to your home!
A Busy Little Plot!
The plot has been fantastically busy of late and we are taking home lots of fresh fruit and veg! Such a great feeling after so much work!
Our Allotment Plan 2016
I’ve had lots of fun over the past couple of months creating my plan for our dream allotment and here it is! There’s no hard and fast rules about sticking to this but I’m happy to have a great guide in my pocket of how I saw things fitting in at the beginning of the year.…