Ten Items for January Sowing in Derbyshire

As the new year begins, gardeners can get a head start on their allotments by sowing certain crops in January. Despite the cold weather, several hardy vegetables can be planted now to ensure an early and productive harvest in the coming seasons. Here are the ones I’ll be trying… Broad beansSow hardy varieties like ‘Aquadulce…

Greening Your Window Sill

If you don’t have an allotment, or you can’t get to the plot as much as you’d like consider cultivating a bit of nature indoors. Fortunately, you don’t need a sprawling garden or a massive vegetable plot to enjoy the benefits of growing plants and veg. A window sill can serve as the perfect micro-garden, bringing a touch of greenery and freshness to your living space. Here are five plants that thrive on a window sill in the UK, adding a little vibrancy to your home!

Benefits of Winter Digging

Winter digging is basically turning over the soil during winter (removing weeds as you go) in preparation for the upcoming growing season. Some gardeners on our allotment site are avid winter diggers, others prefer the no-dig method and some, like me, do a bit of both.

January at an Allotment in Derbyshire!

We kicked off the year with a trip to Iceland, which was absolutely fantastic. It’s back to reality now, and I’m happy to say I don’t mind returning to work. It’s also that special time of year when we begin to plan the allotment and the growing season ahead. It’s no secret that our allotment has been neglected, but we shall enter the year with positivity and a determination to grow our own food again; I yearn for those summer months, wandering around the plot with my basket, harvesting something fresh for tea.