Essential Tasks for November at the Allotment 🍁

There is a dump of snow today in Derbyshire, and I’m reviewing what still needs to be done down on the plot to prepare for the winter months ahead. While the growing season may be winding down, the work is far from over! With a little effort now, we can protect soil, crops, and beds,…

My Collaboration with Little Dolittle Animal Boarding

A Green Solution for Waste Management I’m excited to share my collaboration with a local small animal boarding business, Little Dolittle (based in Tibshelf, Derbyshire), and how it’s helping me achieve my no-dig goals. Running an animal boarding business comes with the responsibility of managing significant amounts of waste, particularly used animal bedding. For James…

The Digging the Earth Guide to August

I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to ‘slack off’ with my sowing once summer hits, leaving me with a sparse vegetable patch come the Autumn months. As I begin to harvest my beetroot, spinach, and kohl rabi, some empty spots of ground are appearing in my garden vegetable beds. In my…

Raised Bed Gardening

Just as we embarked on raised bed gardening, as if meant to be, we were gifted two large wooden raised beds from a lovely allotment neighbour.

We Were Gifted Raised Beds!!

The past few weeks have been incredibly difficult. A visit to Justin’s favourite spot in Wales to spread his ashes, accompanied by a chest infection had me feeling pretty low. I am so thankful for all that joined us there, again, holding us up when we were struggling. Back in action again at the allotment…