We were doing so well the kids’ vaccinations were imminent, and we were breezing into the Autumn months with plans of sowing our onions and garlic at the weekend. Boom, COVID hits our household like a tonne of bricks, likely caught at school.
Little miss has breezed through it like a cold. Little man, on the other hand, has been poorly – very poorly! I’ll not go into details but put it this way; we got more than we bargained for, bearing in mind the way COVID in children is reported. I guess it hits everyone differently.
With triple vaccinations and daily negative tests, I have been able to pop out when needed, but it’s been a long haul, and if I’m honest, the allotment has been the last thing on my mind.
October has arrived and things are looking up thankfully, work is back on the daily schedule, and all being well, the children will be back at school on Monday, possibly on ‘light duties’. It’s time to play catch up in all areas of our lives – work, social, education and for the all-important fresh veg and mental reset – the allotment! I don’t even mind if it’s raining, we have work to do!
I think the thing with having an allotment is accepting that to some extent, it’s always going to be a challenge, but if we can keep things moving over the year, I’m happy to accept that it’s not always going to look perfect. I try to judge our success by the amount of fruit and veg we bring home, not whether it looks like a show garden or not.
So, I suppose what I’m trying to promote is to count your blessings and cut yourself some slack; life is indeed a rollercoaster!
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