March is one of those months of the growing year that I struggle to show restraint in. I have sown a few seeds and have a few more planned to sow in March, but there are other tasks to complete before I get carried away with the seedlings!
Cover the greenhouse
Much to our dismay, our greenhouse cover was beaten by the winds; recovering is a top priority to get the seedlings into there as soon as they are strong enough.
Finish off the winter digging
Over the past couple of years, I have been embracing the no-dig method where I can. Still, we do not have enough compost and organic material to make this a reality over both of our plots, so, for now, I will continue to dig over the beds that are left.
Make a door for the tunnel
As you may have seen on Instagram, our tunnel is made mostly from recycled materials, including poles from an old greenhouse left by the previous plot owner and some water pipe given to us by a neighbour. The last piece to this crazy puzzle is making a door. Iβm not quite sure how Iβll tackle this yet, but I will think of something!
Finish cutting back the raspberries
This job is very nearly finished; I have a few canes left to trim down to the ground (we make use of the majority of the cut canes).
Clean out the sheds
This needs doing every few months or so (we are messy creatures). I have to say this is one of my least favourite tasks as I am absolutely terrified of spiders!
The seeds I will be starting at home are: Parsley, lettuce, kale, sprouting broccoli, leeks, spring onion, Swiss chard, lollo rosso and tomatoes.
What will you be up to this month?
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