A Busy Little Plot!

The plot has been fantastically busy of late and we are taking home lots of fresh fruit and veg! Such a great feeling after so much work!

Looking at Rubbish a Little Differently!

Shortly after taking on the allotment, just over a year ago, I have more and more been learning to look at rubbish a little differently! Just recently I have been making use, as I’m sure many do, of yogurt pots and food trays, everything suddenly seems to be a vessel for sowing seeds when you…

Back to it…Weeding the Leeks!

First day back at the allotment this year and what a sorry sight it was too! Little and often is going to be the way forward for us this year, so I set an hour aside for some tidying up! We really haven’t got a lot up there that could have been damaged by the storms but there was…

Merry Christmas Fellow Allotmenteers!

Just a quick post to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! I can’t quite believe that this is now our second Christmas as plot holders or quite how proud I am of eating some of our own produce on Christmas Day! Well done to everyone tucking into their homegrown loveliness! Enjoy your time off,…

Raspberries on the Move!

I’ve wanted to move our raspberry canes for a while. Their first position was literally the area that we began to dig over when we took on the plot. Now that I’m ready to start planning with a little more thought, it was time to get them on the move! The area that I had…

Winter Digging

I can’t quite believe it’s been a whole year since we first heard the phrase ‘winter digging’! Yes, that’s rights I’d never heard of it before! Now, the green figured creature that I am becoming day dreams about it quite frequently, every day that I spend at my desk or that it’s raining at the weekend,…

Sowing Broad Beans in Autumn

When flicking through my gardening books, wondering what else I could get into the ground at this time of year, I’ve noticed broad beans (fava) mentioned a few times. I thought I’d give it a go with a pack of 20 Aquadulce, suitable for Autumn to Spring sowing. Purchased from Amazon.co.uk. In still having a decent…