One of the few veg I absolutely have to plant each year is the broad beans, with varying success each time but as you can see from the photo’s I’m please to say that our broad beans thus far are doing rather well! These were planted into some general compost on the 11th of November and wrapped toasty in the greenhouse, by the look of it I should be potting them on ASAP!!
3 Plots! We Must Be Mad!
Well a fair bit has happened since I last wrote. On almost filling up our original plot, it came to the time a month or so ago when the pumpkin plants were ready to go out. On having either planted or allocated the majority of the space we had I was left scratching my head…
10 Great Christmas Present Ideas for the Allotmenteer!
Royal Horticultural Society Membership!Days out in gorgeous gardens…perfect! A Rather Posh Trowel and Fork SetFor the glamorous gardener! A Traditional TrugJust when harvests couldn’t get any more exciting! Gardeners World Magazine SubscriptionFor a monthly dose of inspiration Plant Pot Maker KitEndless fun when sowing seeds! Cut Flower Seed CollectionFor endless bouquets! Sarah Raven Gift VouchersFor when you really…
November Missions! 2015
How quickly the months are flying by, can you believe it’s almost the start of the Christmas countdown!! I’m still finding myself with plenty to do at and for the allotment. Here are my November missions… Sow the sweet peas at home (rollover from October) Winter digging and more winter digging! Relocate the raspberries Check on…