The Allotment in Spring Time! 

It’s been a busy time of things here! This spring is the first that I’ve actually been able to get some seeds started ready for the allotment and we’re all finding it very exciting! Our first spring on the plot was a little less organised, not for lack of hard work, but we just didn’t…

Looking at Rubbish a Little Differently!

Shortly after taking on the allotment, just over a year ago, I have more and more been learning to look at rubbish a little differently! Just recently I have been making use, as I’m sure many do, of yogurt pots and food trays, everything suddenly seems to be a vessel for sowing seeds when you…

My Indoor Allotment Jobs

We finally have our first snow of the year today here in Derbyshire! Although this is all very exciting for the kids, it did mean that our planned Sunday morning at the allotment went out of the window so to speak! I’ve put together a little list of things to do that we can be…

Soaking the Sweet Peas for Germination

Last year at the allotment there were so many plot holders with such gorgeous sweet peas growing that this year I was determined not to miss out.    We have a few spots planned at the allotment for adding in some canes for the sweet peas. I was also planning on having some at home…

Our Allotment Plan 2016

I’ve had lots of fun over the past couple of months creating my plan for our dream allotment and here it is! There’s no hard and fast rules about sticking to this but I’m happy to have a great guide in my pocket of how I saw things fitting in at the beginning of the year.…

Making a Hedgehog Home

I have to say that I have become totally obsessed with Pinterest, I began to use it for work purposes (Evoke Visual) that then progressed to ideas for our home and now I have opened up a whole new world  by utilising many many “boards” for allotment ideas and inspiration! As I have mentioned, we’re keen to…