When I first mentioned to hubby my thoughts of taking on an allotment, I think he thought I’d lost the plot, so to speak. With comments such as “haven’t you got enough to do?” and “where will you find the time?” he probably had a point!

© Karla | Dreamstime Stock Photos
© Karla | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The thing was that I absolutely loved the idea, I was so desperate to get stuck in! So much so that I collected my allotment key just seven days after moving to the county! Which I appreciate was a timeframe not many are privileged to!

I think the first thing when deciding to take on something like this is to be really really honest with yourself. I believe that if the anticipation of getting your hands dirty is not eating you up inside to the point you can think of nothing else then maybe it’s not for you. There’s plenty of growing that can be done at home, in pots if need be, without such commitment.

I’ve seen plot holders come and go, in my first year on the site and I do understand, there really is a lot of work involved!

In my case the passion was absolutely there, the time, not so much! I go to the allotment when I can, I work and have a young family to look after, so realistically it’s not as much as I’d like to.

Here’s a few ways in which I try to make the most of my time in my happy place and keep on top of things!

  • Always keep an allotment to-do list! I use the notes app on my phone, so that if I find myself with an hour spare, I know exactly what needs doing first. Gather all your books together and make a plan for the month ahead.
  • Unfortunately I don’t have a shed yet but I always keep my wellies, gloves and a jumper in my car. You just never know when the opportunity might arise to rip a few weeds out!
  • Half an hour is better than not at all. I meticulously plan my day around kids and business but I do my best to squeeze in maybe just half an hour at the allotment. The luxury of having a whole day free doesn’t come round very often all, so this is a method of getting things done, albeit a little slower than I’d like.
  • Dog walking, if like me, you regularly walk your dog, then think of the possibility of “killing two birds with one stone”? I find a walk up and around the allotments makes for a fab wander and I get to stop & potter for ten minutes too!
  • Think twice about the weekend lie – in. I do love to sleep a little later when I get the chance, but an early morning trip to the lottie is lovely and quiet.
  • Rearrange your work schedule, if you’re lucky enough, like me, during the winter and those dark evenings I’m able to switch to working late and make the most of the daylight on the plot.

    Having said all that, I think if something is a passion then you’ll somehow manage to squeeze it in. I’ve had a few old-timers remark about me “she’s got the bug”…I’ll take that as a compliment!

Feature Image © Radu Razvan Gheorghe | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Views: 297

6 thoughts on “​Finding Time for An Allotment”

  1. It is all about making time.
    I’ve been secretary of our site since it opened and we’ve had a fair few people who’ve signed up and done very little before either giving up or being kicked off for having huge weeds.
    One lady got the key and never came back!

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