It doesn’t seem like five minutes since we were trundling up to our Derbyshire village field last year for an evening of sparkle, beer and fire! For a small community we are very lucky to have such events as this and the summer carnival arranged by a dedicated few.

As an asthmatic I must admit that I’m non too keen on having bonfires myself and would always choose to go to an organised event instead and stay a good distance away. I was wondering if many allotment people had their own fires regularly to rid themselves of garden waste? My compost heap (organic dumping ground) is slowly growing very big indeed and its full of dandelions, so it really shouldn’t be going back onto the plot. What is the best way of getting rid of the weeds, binning them? Burning them?

This is something that I’m really going to have to do some research into before I end up with more heap than plot! I’ll be sure to report back with any enlightenments! Until then enjoy your Guy Fawkes Night and stay safe!

Sarah x

Featured Image: © Cristian Nitu | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Views: 351

9 thoughts on “Remember Remember the 5th Pile of Weeds!”

  1. All those old compost bags are the answer. You turn them inside out so the black side is outfacing and then add your troublesome fat rooted weeds. Docks and dandelions go in. Fold over the top when full and stick somewhere out of site. If they’re in sun I think it works a bit quicker. After a couple of years have a look inside and you’ll be amazed that they’ve broken down. Empty them out and anything still looking rootlike stick back in. I keep a couple of bags dotted around the plot to save me walking too far to find one. But all docks and dandelions get shoved in and they do die and rot down.
    I absolutely detest people burning garden waste. It will all compost down eventually. Even diseased material can go in a heap or bag.

    There’s an alternative method of drowning them but they float and carry on growing just to spite you. And it stinks so much you’ll be sick!

  2. Wonderful advice from Di Drinkwater above.. And our allotment association does not allow bonfires on our plots.. Tonight is the only exception.. So we will be lighting one later on..
    And I only like bonfires which are organised.. due to a firework incident when I was younger child, I am not fond of them unless I am well away from them..

    1. Yes, I’m definitely going to try this with the old compost bags. Ours does allow fires after 6pm or dusk, whichever’s sooner. I do think it’s best to stick with the organised versions, although I worry for the animals that may be in there when the fire piles build up over a few weeks. That sounds like a nasty experience, I don’t blame you for avoiding them xx

      1. It didn’t happen to me but a friend.. but it has stayed with me throughout the years.. My mother also had one of those Jumping Jacks hit her legs which was nasty too.. ( they got banned in later years ).. So I am always still nervous around them.. and worry overly too much about others safety too..

  3. I’m currently trying a hotbin composter. This gets up to 60C so you can put in perennial weeds and other things you wouldn’t normally. It’s taking some getting the hang of but so far I’d recommend it.

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