It’s coming up to 2 years since our lives changed forever, and we are still adjusting. It’s an ongoing difficult process that has been consumed by everything but writing. Just when I think I’m finding the time and the will to write again, life gets in the way.
I’ve been spending the majority of my time focusing on my business and traveling whenever possible, we’ve managed to squeeze in France, Scotland, Germany, Wales, Cyprus, and Majorca this year, YOLO, and all that. Along with some jaw-dropping GCSE results from Savvy, I can easily see where the time has been spent!
I have set up a creative studio in Sutton in Ashfield (Evoke Visual Creative Studio, 8 Brook St) – an all-consuming plight since January! I’m not sure if this is the forever place for my art and design, but for now it has been an interesting project that has kept the creative side of me moving, earning, and developing. I have enjoyed picking up my paintbrushes again and meeting new Sutton In Ashfield design clients. Please feel free to pop in and say hi!
The allotment has been a constant stream of fits and starts, I’ve had to face the fact that there is just one of me, and as much as I enjoy it, the business had to come first. I managed to cover large areas with black plastic to hold back the weeds but much of the two plots are massively in need of attention.
I have been quite ashamed of how much time I have spent on the plots but I’m learning to be kind to myself and recognise my achievements in other areas of my life. I have a grand plan that I will be capable of balancing all of my family, work, hobbies, and interests at some point, it’s just taking a bit of ‘getting there’.
The immediate plan is to strim and cover the remaining uncovered ground once things have started to die back for the winter. This seems like the simplest and easiest way to get a headstart in spring 2024 – the idea being that I will just uncover and plant without too much digging required.
If you’re still out there, following the blog, say hi on Instagram and let me know how you’ve been!
Sarah π»
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