It’s been four months since I finished my tea and grabbed a slice of cheesecake to eat in front of the tv (yes very healthy, I know). As I bent down to sit, my left knee gave way under me as my kneecap dislocated. I can’t really describe the pain that ensued but if I had to choose between that again or childbirth, I’d definitely take the latter.

Unluckily all round there had been an RTA locally, meaning my screams went on for a good two hours before help arrived. Morphine and gas and air took the edge off but after an hour of trying to push my patella back into place, it was time to take me to hospital. After being dislocated for a good three and a half hours, I finally had a reduction which helped with the pain massively.
After an X-ray, I was fixed up with a brace, crutches and sent on my merry way! A few days later I attended the fracture clinic, who took a look at my knee and said to stick with the brace for another couple of weeks. Apparently some physiotherapy will be arranged too but so far I’ve not heard anything about that.
Now I know there are people in a far worse situation but life with a full leg brace and crutches takes a bit of getting used to. There have been tears, more from frustration than pain. We take so much for granted!

My allotment friend Sue, has been amazing and has even recruited others to help out on my plot. They have been nothing short of brilliant in taking the edge of the colossal amount of tasks that seem to have built up.
The time came though when I decided to evict the rest of the seedlings from the house and make my way up to the plot. When greeted with my clematis in flower, I was reminded of the peace and happiness that the allotment brings and knew that I had no choice but to plod on!

Here are my most valued tips for getting by:
- Little and often
- Take things slow
- Have one main task planned for each visit even if it’s something small like water the greenhouse
- Learn to accept help a little more graciously
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