We have taken this opportunity (it’s fairly empty) to restrengthen and recover. Well, when I say recover I mean to make use of all the odds and sods bits of plastic and glass we have. Including an old patio door, old shower doors and abandoned greenhouse parts.
Looking at Rubbish a Little Differently!
Shortly after taking on the allotment, just over a year ago, I have more and more been learning to look at rubbish a little differently! Just recently I have been making use, as I’m sure many do, of yogurt pots and food trays, everything suddenly seems to be a vessel for sowing seeds when you…
Elephant Garlic
Today we decided to get our elephant garlic in! For one of our cloves (purchased from The Range), we thought we’d make use of this tyre. Using it to create a corner to our pathway, and of course, we’d know where the garlic was! The kids were chuffed to take responsibility for planting these! Apparently,…